1 Batch (basically 1 cup) Herb Salad dressing
2 Pounds Steamed Mussels
2 or more cloves Elephant Garlic
Start with the Herb Salad Dressing, posted earlier.
The mussels are best if fresh, but they are not always in season - they are commonly available frozen and when cooked according to the directions, are very suitable.
If you are using fresh mussels - make sure they are all alive (shell tightly closed - with those that are slightly open - tap another against it's shell, if it doesn't close, throw it away.) Rinse the shells to remove any loose debris and remove the beards - the beards are the fibers that the mussel produces to attach itself to rocks. Take a dull butter knife and pinch the fibers found along the seam of the shell, between the knife and your thumb, and pull the fibers away. If you are using frozen mussels - check for a beard, but most I've come across have the beard already removed. Steam the mussels until they open, Discard those that won't open - they were dead (you don't know for how long or from what - you only want to eat the ones that were healthy). Remove the meat from the shells, use a dull knife to scrape off the muscle that adheres the meat to the shell.
A Mandolin Peeler
For serving - They can be eaten straight from the jar, I like to place a slice of Elephant Garlic on a cracker then a mussel on top. They also make an awesome addition to a Caprese Salad.